Join us!
Join/Renew Your Membership
N.B. Fixes for the Paypal subscription button are now below
Without our members this event would not take place - so if you love Hastings Bonfire please join to support and be part of it. Come along to meet us and find out more. You can join at meetings or on-line below.
Membership runs from 1st January - 31st December. Renewals are due on in January of each year. New membership applications close on 31st August, by when all membership forms and money must be received for those wishing to join Hastings Procession, enter the fire site and attend out-meetings. Membership then re-opens at our November meeting. New members joining in November get November and December free.
Our members may join in our procession, and join us at processions of other societies throughout the bonfire season, subject to appropriate costume and following our rules. Due to insurance and health & safety we cannot allow those who are not members of our, or other societies, join in processions or enter fire sites.
The Application Form is a couple of screens below...
Routes to Apply
Please either: -
Come to a Members meeting and join there
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 8pm at the White Rock Hotel, 1-10 White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU.
Make yourself known to our Membership Secretary, Sue.
This may be the best route for cash payments.
Or send the form in by email
Print off or save the attached form
1. Click on "download a membership form" below and save it to a local folder of yours
2. Complete the form, e-sign it and save it again (or print it, physically sign your acceptance, and scan it/photo it clearly)
3. then either send your form by email as an attachment, or post it or hand it in at a monthly meeting to the Membership Secretary (the address is on the form)
4. Send your membership fee by standing order, or by Paypal, cheque or in cash to Sue.
5. Let the Membership Secretary know by what means you paid, either saying in person or by email
Renewal of £15 membership subs is due January each year.
Membership subscription payment details
You can pay your £15 subs per adult either by standing order, BACS, PayPal, cash or cheque: -
Pay by Bank Transfer
Please pay by BACS, or ideally by Standing Order every 1 January.
Payee's Name: HBBS
Sort Code : 30-97-66
Acc no: 00172308
Ref: your initial(s) & last name
Pay by Cash or Cheque
Please give cash or cheques to our Membership secretary Sue at a member meeting, or post it through the address on the membership form
or by PayPal
Our PayPal recurring annual subscription button is now working again. If you do this, make double sure our membership secretary knows this was for subs and not just any donation and send/give her the form
Then: Whichever way you pay, please then contact our Membership Secretary, Sue, and say hello and how you've paid and to hand over, or attach your membership form if you don't expect to make a second-Tuesday Membership meeting soon to hand it in -
Annual membership is due in January; absolute deadline is end-August
Membership application form
Please print & complete one of these annually... (or pick one up at a membership meeting from Sue)
Membership form formats: PDF format Membership form: Word.docx format or RTF format
As an alternative to printing, follow these instructions for emailing the form in as an attachment:
RIGHT-CLICK on one of these files and select Save As... to a local folder (e.g. Downloads),
[On a Mac, click on the link and immediately save it to your local drive with File | Save As... ]open that file from your downloads folder,
add your details (e.g. for the PDF add text boxes as necessary to complete,
e-sign (or print, physically sign and scan/photo),
then save again,
and email it to Sue as file attachment on her usual address or, letting her know how you paid.
Or just pop along to a members meeting on the second Tuesday of the month and talk to Sue there
Thank you for joining!
Dress code if you want to process with us as a member