Crowd fund us
HBBS Crowd funding campaign 2024
The campaign on Crowdfunder has now been extended for 2024 to offer you another route to support Hastings Borough Bonfire Society's annual torchlit procession, bonfire, fireworks and effigy, all in the Sussex Bonfire Tradition.
Why do we need money? There are obvious answers to that:
firstly, we need to be able to afford the fireworks this year as the costs have risen steaply in recent years;
We need to spend a lot on background safety support (such as first aid contingency and security around things like the fireworks (please keep away!) and some bureacratic procedures;
We want to continue to presenting our evening as a free event for all in the community.
We want to be able to continue into the future so that we can also rise money for our local charities and support other local events;
we have an ambition to secure a plot of our own land one day, on which to carry our our many operations that see this event happen even better.
Please follow this Croudfunder link for more information and the opportunity to donate something to us...
Thanks to all for the 2023 donations of £1,455, which really helped us with confidence for last years’s event and has helped pay for this year's event (funding for which is now secured in time) . We’re now asking for your donations this year to make sure our 2025 torchlit procession, bonfire and fireworks awesome at next year’s event too.
Thank you!